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Impressum/Legal Imprint Germany & Austria


Impressum/Legal Imprint Germany

CWT Beheermaatschappij B.V.
De Entree 159
Oval Tower
NL 1101 HE Amsterdam

Telephone: +49 (0)69 15321 1000
Telefax: +49 (0)6196 7611929

Managing Directors: Lauren Jennifer Aste, Jan Hendrik Latenstein van Voorst, Michael John Wildes

Listed in the commercial registry of the Chamber of Commerce of Amsterdam,
File Registration Number 33286290
Netherlands VAT number: NL805638696B01

German branch

CWT Beheermaatschappij B.V. Deutschland
Taunus Tower
Mergenthalerallee 73-75
65760 Eschborn

Federal Republic of Germany

Telephone: +49 (0)69 15321 1000
Telefax: +49 (0)6196 7611929

Managing Directors: Lauren Jennifer Aste, Jan Hendrik Latenstein van Voorst, Michael Wildes

Local court (Amtsgericht) Frankfurt am Main, Trade Registry Number (HRB) 44172 German VAT identification number: DE 191 187 110

Sandra Hans is responsible for the website per § 55 RStV (German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty).


Legal Notice

1. External Links

This site contains links to other websites (“external links”). These external websites are the responsibility of their respective operators. When including these links for the first time, the website provider checked the external content for possible legal violations. At that point in time, there were no apparent legal violations. The website provider has no influence whatsoever on the present and future design and content of the linked pages. The fact that the website provider has included these external links does not mean that the website provider intends to have any reference thereto or content therein deemed as its own. The provider of the website will not be expected to monitor the external links absent concrete evidence of legal violations. Upon legal notice of such legal violations, the website provider will delete such external links immediately.

2. Copyright and Ancillary Rights

The information published on this website is subject to German copyright and ancillary intellectual property laws. Any use not permitted under German copyright or ancillary intellectual property right laws requires prior written consent of the website provider or its respective owners. This applies in particular to copying, editing, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Contents and the rights of third parties are indicated as such in this context. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of particular contents or complete pages is prohibited and punishable by law. Solely the production of copies and downloads for strictly personal, private and non-commercial use is allowed within the restrictions of the law.


Impressum/Legal Imprint Austria

Company Information
Disclosure per § 25 Media Act (MedienG) / Information per §5 Abs.1 E-Commerce Act

Proprietor and Service Provider:

CWT Beheermaatschappij B.V. branch office Wien
Austrian branch office of CWT Beheermaatschappij B.V.

Business purpose: Travel agency

Company head office: De Entree 159, Oval Tower, 1101 HE Amsterdam, Netherlands
Listed in the commercial registry of the Chamber of Commerce of Amsterdam
File Registration Number

Sole shareholder: CWT Holdco B.V.

Managing Directors: Lauren Jennifer Aste, Jan Hendrik Latenstein van Voorst, Michael Wildes

Location of the branch office: Handelskai 92, Rivergate 1/ 2. OG/ Top G, 1200 Vienna, Austria

Listed in the commercial court Vienna, FN 157003m

VAT number: ATU42486804

Telephone: +43 (0)1 240 60 100

Trade Association: Austrian Chamber of Commerce Vienna

Regulatory Authority: Municipal Authorities of the City of Vienna

Trade law regulations: Trade regulations

Commercial regulations: Commercial Code