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Traveller Tribes

How to meet the needs of different traveller types

A boost for your travel programme: Traveller segmentation

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different” – Once spoken by fashion icon Coco Chanel can nowadays be adapted to the modern business traveller. For many years it was common practice to treat one traveller like the other. But not all are alike and there are now ways to take the individuality of every employee on the road into account.

Find out what tribes you are working with

Download the e-book Business Traveller Tribes and discover 5 different model traveller types and expert tips for dealing with them.

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Traveller profiling for more policy compliance

The key words to succeed in addressing travellers individually are “traveller segmentation”. This approach helps to profile traveller types and gives you a better understanding about what kind of traveller types can be found within your company.

So why do so many organisations squeeze their employees into a one-size-fits-all box and wonder why their policy is ignored and their programme compromised?
Traveller profiling allows you to specify your employee messages and maximise your travel programme.

There are different breeds of business travellers that are starting to shift lines from what we would have traditionally expected. Technology, millennial global trotters and evolving expectations means it’s time to decode what these new tribes might look like.

Here’s a sneak preview:

Masters of the Universe

Masters of the

Time-poor executive-top-traveller suite

They hold senior roles in organisations, tend to be older and are time-poor, but long-standing, road warriors. Their time overseas can make or break companies. They want less choice not more.


Collaborative FOMOs


The ultimate networking traveller

Typically found in middle-management this tribe is engaged, enjoys business trips and uses technology to stay ahead. Surprisingly not very picky when it comes to accommodation; as long as they have a place to work and a good Wi-Fi connection they will get down to business.

Content Tsars


The new-experientials

Sometimes reluctant travellers, this tribe is less interested in travel as a means to climb the corporate ladder but more as an experience. These travellers are the most likely to combine business trips with leisure and also the most likely ones to book out of policy.

Are you up for some fun and ready to find out which traveller tribe you belong?  

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