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And that’s a wrap: 5 ways that business travelers can prepare for 2023

December 16, 2022

As the new year approaches, the heavy-duty work of 2023 budgeting, strategizing and business planning behind us and 365 days of new opportunities laid out ahead, it’s important for business travelers to be prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Here are 5 ways that business travelers can prepare for the new year.

  1. Review your travel policies and procedures. Take a moment to review your organization’s travel policies and procedures to ensure that you are up to date on the latest guidelines and requirements. This can help you avoid any unexpected issues or delays when you are next on the road.
  2. Update your travel documents. Make sure that your passport, visas and other travel documents are up to date and in order. This can help you avoid any delays or issues when you are traveling internationally.
  3. Upgrade and streamline. With emails slowing to a trickle as the new year approaches you might find yourself with a little more time available than usual to browse the web. Research the latest in travel gadgets, packing cubes, travel apps and multi-purpose clothing to make next year’s trips smoother.
  4. Replenish your reserves. Business travel can be stressful and can take a toll on your health. Be sure to take advantage of this quieter time to take care of yourself by getting plenty of rest, and filling your cup with the things that make you happy such as spending time with family and friends, going for long walks and the creative pursuits you haven’t had much time for recently.
  5. Get organized. Prepare for the new year by decluttering your files, getting your travel documents and itineraries organized and easily accessible, and researching fun things to do on your next trip or with family and friends between business trips. Planning fun events ahead of time can help boost optimism for a busy working year.

By following these tips, business travelers can start the year on the right foot and be prepared for whatever the future holds. 


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