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Celebrating the 37th anniversary of the Air Traveler's Bill of Rights for individuals with disabilities

October 31, 2023

For those of us who travel frequently for business, it's easy to forget the complexities of travel for those with disabilities. As we mark the 37th anniversary of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Bill of Rights for air travelers with disabilities, it’s an apt moment to reflect on the rights and conveniences these regulations afford and how they've enhanced the travel experiences for many.

This Bill of Rights was constructed under the Air Carrier Access Act, outlining the essential rights of air travelers with disabilities. Today, as a leading travel management company, we want to ensure that business travel managers and travelers are well-informed about this significant document.

What is the Bill of Rights?

Designed to ensure that air travelers with disabilities are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve, the Bill of Rights’ key provisions include rights to accessible information, facilities, and airport and onboard assistance. Travelers can also bring assistive devices or service animals, request seating accommodations, access specific aircraft features, and seek resolution for any disability-related issues.

The Bill of Rights is a living document reflecting the ever-evolving landscape of air travel. USDOT ensures that the Bill of Rights remains updated as regulations change. The latest version was published in July 2022.

Who does the Bill of Rights Serve?

This Bill serves individuals with disabilities, referring to persons with a physical or mental impairment that impacts major life activities, whether walking, hearing, or breathing. Whether you're flying with a U.S. airline or a foreign airline to or from the U.S., the Bill of Rights applies, ensuring an inclusive air travel experience.

The Bill of Rights ensures that discrimination based on disability has no place in air travel. It mandates airline personnel, from frontline staff to airline contractors, to be well-trained and sensitive to the needs of passengers with disabilities.

As we mark this anniversary, let's take a moment to appreciate these essential rights and always ensure that every journey is undertaken with respect and understanding for all.


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