You may already know that, according to the Boston Consulting Group, companies with a more diverse management team have 19% higher revenue, or that McKinsey research shows that racially and ethnically diverse companies outperform industry norms by 35%.
But, did you know that according to Josh Bersin research inclusive companies are 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders in their market? Or that researchers from Cloverpop found that effective decision-making increases with greater diversity in a team? All-male teams already outperformed individuals 58% of the time, and the percentage reached 73% for gender-diverse teams and 87% when members were gender and geographically diverse and had at least one age gap of more than 20 years.
Candidates focus on the value of diversity when looking for a new job – indeed Glassdoor reports that 67% of job seekers have it in mind when evaluating offers.
Statistics aside, if you are a global company serving clients of different age, culture, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, height, weight, profession, education and beliefs, you sure understand the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion within your company.
Each day, no fewer than 18,000 individuals come to work at CWT – and every one of them brings a unique set of ideas, beliefs and skills, shaped by their heritage, background and culture. This melting pot is our most important resource, and we have a duty to protect and nurture it.
It is impossible for any company to meet clients’ needs if they look at the world from a narrow angle, or from a single perspective. Foremost, it is impossible to create a sustainable future without respecting our differences and working towards inclusion.
We are all unique, we are all different, but we all deserve equal treatment.
We need to learn to cherish and nurture differences. They are the spice of life that make everything better and, if you work on your prejudices, you will realize that, deep down, there are more things that unite us than divide us.
And if you are still not convinced, I invite you to watch this old Danish television channel TV 2 spot and discover all that we share. It makes an excellent watching for a Sunday.
Happy Zero Discrimination Day.