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Breaking down the Barriers of Travel with Biometrics

July 29, 2022

As we celebrate 150 years in travel, we’re exploring new technology, its use in travel and how CWT is preparing for this.  In this episode, we’re exploring biometrics.

Biometrics are the measurement and statistical analysis of people's unique physical and behavioral characteristics.

Biometric identifiers fall into two categories:

There are however some concerns about the collection and privacy of our unique identifiers and the ultimate use of these records.  At least at this time, these concerns do not appear to be limiting the increasing use of biometrics in travel.

CWT provides a single, global travel profile that stores traveling employee data such as travel documents, preferences including seat preference and special diet needs.  This lays the foundation for storing elements relevant to use of biometrics based barriers.

To find out more visit our website.